
Commentaries #2

By Dr. Francisco Marcucci

The nature of Peru provided the right conditions of environment for the development of the breed of the Peruvian Paso Horse, the genetics of their ancestral parents gave her the strength of breed and their virtues, and the Peruvian breeder with his skill and ability was able to capitalize on these conditions for modeling the work of art that is the Peruvian horse, which without doubt is the best saddle horse of the world and the silent ambassador that unites people, countries and continents forging bonds of friendship between breeders and aficionados.

If our predecessors could translate into our horse the fundamental characteristics of the breed to us as breeders and aficionados, we still would have the task to keep them, to care and if it is possible to try to improve them.

It is recognized the great work that has been done in the past few years with regard to the conformation,  beauty, temperament, brio, fineness and quality; but to my way of understanding it has not been accompanied by the proper function and health. It is possible that we have been carried away by the fragrance of secondary virtues that are necessary but are not the most important.

It is advisable for all of us breeders to take a moment to carefully analyze this subject, with the objective to be able to improve factors of health and function of pisos to achieve excellence and prolong the life of our horse.

Dear reader, my objective is to arouse your interest in the improvement of the natural function and health of our horse